Windy, wet but wow! Yorkshire Trike Tours keep on touring

Hi there!

Hope that our followers and fans in the South, West and East have escaped the worst of Storm St Jude? We would love to hear your stories, if you have had an adventure during the recent weather excitement .

We escaped it in Yorkshire, mostly, even though it was a bit wet and windy. We don’t seem to have sustained any damage and Jason still had a great tour with Sue and Martin on2013-10-05T14-39-13_0 Saturday before the weather turned. It was Sue’s 60th birthday and lovely that we pulled off the surprise for her. It is really nice to be part of celebrating happy times.

Helmet with IntercomJason is especially pleased just now because he has had his new intercom microphones fitted in all our helmets. It makes his tours so much more informative, as he can share many interesting stories and facts about the Yorkshire Dales and can be heard so clearly as we tour. I do like to see my husband happy!
Lucy, a very talented young lady, has finished the new designs for our gift vouchers. Jason and I are delighted with the finished result and are very grateful for Lucy’s enthusiasm, expertise and hard work. The gift vouchers can be bought in denominations of £25, £50, £75 and £100, or any combination.

If you are stuck what to buy someone this year for Christmas, we may have just solved your problem. It would certainly be the most original gift they get under the tree! The vouchers are valid for six months and we are always happy to extend them for a further three months if you give us a quick call.  Remember, vouchers make good presents for any special cache_22392362occasion and we can book tours all year round!

That’s all for this week’s blog, but next week we hope to be able to tell you all about a special Winter Tour we are just putting the finishing touches to.

Also look out for our newsletter, published next week. If you are not yet signed up as a fan, get on the website and do so. Then you can read it too!

Stay safe and enjoy your week.


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